The Enigmatic Museum
2018 Taipei World Trade Centre
2018 Taipei World Trade Centre
Having mesmerised audiences around the world with its breathtaking glow, the much loved “Moon” is landing in Taipei this October at the World Trade Centre.
Created by Luke Jerram as an accurate replica of the closest cosmic satellite orbiting the Earth. Lit from within, "Moon" is constructed from detailed imagery of the lunar surface, captured in 2010 by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera. The art object at ART TAIPEI is a breathtaking 10 metres in diameter! The moon has fascinated human imagination since beginning of time. Touring around the world “Moon” has created an unbounded cultural space for contemplation. It is now a vast collection of personal experiences, stories and mythologies that go beyond museum walls and geographic borders. |
由國際知名策展人易安妮(Annie Ivanova)所策劃的科技特展「The Enigmatic Museum」,特別邀請到英國藝術家 Luke Jerram 創作的大型裝置《月之博物館》(Museum of the Moon)閃耀展會上空;澳洲藝術家Kit Webster帶來充滿視覺張力的作品《謎》
(Enigmatica),在展示暗房綻放神秘色彩,吸引眾多的觀眾進入觀賞;以及台灣知名藝術家陶亞倫所帶來的全新VR作品《超真實 NO.2》(Hyperreality No.2)與《超真實 NO.3》(Hyperreality No.3),帶領觀者穿梭真實與非真實地超現實幻境之間;年初陶亞倫受邀參加第9屆MADATAC馬德里現代數位科技影音藝術節,於全世界來自33個不同國家、72位新媒體藝術家中,獲得「最佳新媒體藝術裝置獎」,今年的科技展區在在展現出科技技術運用於藝術創作所迸發的新可能,為觀眾帶來感官新體驗。 |