How on earth can we live together?
Well, no one is quite sure of the answer. Often what makes news headlines is so distressing that it is natural to feel uncertain, even frightened, about the state of the world today. Massive climatic changes are sweeping Mother Earth: undeniably the causes are our own doing, yet the effects are out of our control. Despite all the knowledge there is, terrorist attacks take place in peaceful parts of the world and the struggles for equality continue. All of this is true. Even so, I believe that this is also the most exciting time in human history. We are now citizens of the largest country on the planet, Facebook: 2 billion of us live there! This has given us unprecedented social powers to positively impact a community, a place, a city… a world. The artists in ART TAIPEI 2017 GLOBAL PUBLICS exhibition demonstrate how such expansive ways of thinking can be applied to art practice. Kit WEBSTER combines sculpture, light installation, and new technologies to create mesmerising artworks for architectural and urban spaces. His projects highlight the impact technology has on our sense of perception and experience. |
Challenging current trends of urban planning that is geared towards making our cities more regulated, Troy INNOCENT posits the idea that to be more enjoyable cities need to be more playful. His location games and street codes lead to spontaneous discoveries of the cultural building blocks of public places.
Achim MONHÉ & Uta KOPP create large scale installations on rooftops of cultural institutions. These are documented via satellite photography from Google Earth or Bing Maps and made visible on the Internet, giving us a global perspective of local experiences. Qualified as a simulation astronaut & diver Dr Sarah Jane PELL redefines art practice by performing in extreme environments, such as deep sea and Mt Everest. She is the first female artist in the world to train for a space mission, and is contributing to current dialogues between science and culture about the future of humanity. We all hope that these public artworks and ideas will inspire you to consider a new global social order with boundless possibilities for creativity, connectedness, and change. Annie IVANOVA ~ International Curator Art Taipei 2017 |
新聞頭條常常都是不幸的事件,讓我們不自覺地對於當今的世界感到不安、甚至害怕。劇烈的氣候變遷正在破壞大自然,這毫無疑問是人類造成的,但我們卻無法控制它的效果。雖然我們擁有了大量的知識,恐怖攻擊卻在看似平和的地方發生,對於平等權的追求也還有很長的路要走。 以上這些,都是事實;即便如此,我依然相信,現在正是人類歷史上最令人振奮的時刻。目前全世界最大的「國家」是臉書:它有二十億的「人口」呢!身為其中的一份子,讓我們擁有前所未見的社會能量,能夠對社區、鄉鎮、城市、甚至是世界,帶來正面的影響力。台北國際藝術博覽會公共藝術單元「全球公共社群」主題的策展人們,讓我們看到如此擴張性的思考模式,如何能夠應用在藝術創作上面。 基特.韋伯斯特結合雕刻、燈光裝置和最新的科技,創造出令人目眩神迷的藝術作品,裝置在建築物和城市空間當中。他的創作強調了科技如何影響我們的知覺和體驗。 |
亞金.蒙內和烏塔.柯普在文化機構的屋頂上創作大型裝置藝術。透過衛星科技,我們可以上網利用Google地球或是Bing地圖看到他們的作品,透過全球視角觀看在地經驗。 莎拉.珍.貝爾是一位經過模擬器訓練合格的準太空人和潛水員,透過在深海和珠穆朗瑪峰等等極端環境下表演,她重新定義了實境藝術。她是世界上第一位接受太空任務訓練的藝術家,也對於近來科學和藝術領域以探討人類未來為目的的交流有所貢獻。 我們一致希望,這些在今年的藝術博覽會中呈現的公共藝術和想法,能夠激發各位的想像,進而思考一個嶄新的全球社會秩序,裡頭有著無限的機會讓人們來創造、鏈結、做出改變。 易安妮,國際策展人 |